The Oxford Science Park Celebrates Opening of Iversen Building

The Oxford Science Park was delighted to host the opening of its latest and hugely exciting addition to the park – The Iversen Building.

The new 88,000sq ft NIA lab-ready facility expands the parks total area by almost 20% and significantly increases its capacity for high-quality laboratories. The Iversen Building is the largest and most advanced spec-built commercial science building in Oxfordshire to date, with the capability to support the rapidly-growing emerging life science sector.

The Iversen Building provides a shell and core lab-ready space with infrastructure and services in place, ready for customization to meet the specific design requirements of life science tenants.

The Oxford Science Park team was joined by Dinah Rose KC, the President of Magdalen College (shown below on the right), and Prof Irene Tracey, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford, (on the left, with CEO of the Park, Rory Maw, centre).  Each acknowledged and recognised the huge contribution to Oxford science of Prof Sue Iversen, former Head of the Department of Experimental Psychology and Fellow of Magdalen, after whom the building is named.

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