Expression of Interest- Projects for The International Investment Prospectus

During 2023/24 the Oxford to Cambridge pan-Regional Partnership developed and launched an International Investment Prospectus (IIP). This included seven projects that were selected following an independent assessment of Expressions of Interest (EOIs) received following a similar request for EOIs last year.

The Partnership is now seeking further EOIs for projects to be included in an updated IIP to be launched at UKREiiF in May 2025. A diverse range of investment opportunities are being sought, from investment in the development and commercialisation of new technologies and services, to landscape-scale environmental improvements, to capital investment in real estate. 

This call seeks applications from project proposers interested in promoting their project through the IIP.  

Submissions, which should be made using an EOI online form will be subject to a prioritisation process. Submitting an EOI form is the first step. 

The deadline for submission of EOI forms for consideration is 5pm on 25th November 2024. 

The EOI portal can be accessed here.

The EOI Guidance Information can be downloaded.

There are scheduled online briefing sessions which will offer further information and guidance on all aspects of the Prospectus and the EOI process including the assessment framework. These will take place as follows: 

·         Tuesday October 29th at 2pm 

·         Thursday November 7th at 4pm 

·         Wednesday November 13th at 10am 

If you would like to join one of these sessions, please email [email protected] 

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